A little less conversation a little more action!
Published 11/01/25

One of the things that quite often affected my Mental Wellbeing was doing a lot of talking about what i was going to do to improve it but never taking any action!! 

Sorry Elvis!! 

They say knowledge is power but if it isn't used correctly or even applied then it's no good! Also too much information can cause overwhelm!

The only person responsible for that is me but it can be quite difficult knowing where to start because there is so much information out there about what works well, and what doesn't!

Now here's the thing and it will sound obvious, but YOU have to do what Works for YOU! and that means if you don't feel that Cold water therapy is for you or Running is for you but spending some time in solitude and walking in nature is, then do that. 

We can become all consumed with what other people are saying they do or what we should, do on social media that we forget to look inwards about what it is that we really want.

It may sound obvious but real change comes from within and if you start something and you don't enjoy it then find something you do enjoy. Self awareness shouldn't be underestimated.

It has to be Good For your Soul!!

I hope YOU have the best day YOU can have!



Thank You for The Music!
Published 05/12/24

This Picture always reminds me of that Bryan Adams classic, Summer of 69 and the opening line, I got my First Real Siskin!! Too Much? Bit Droll?

Music, A provider of great comfort at times of sorrow and a great motivator when out on that Long Sunday morning run!

It would be fair to say that Music is something we can all turn to in times of trouble and in moments of joy!

I know that if I've had a tough day at work then putting on some feel good tunes is a great way to provide me with an instant pick me up.

I really don't know where I'd be without it... So Thank you for the Music!


I hope YOU have the best day YOU can have!



Embrace Difference!
Published 16/12/24

The picture on the left shows different variants of the same species. Both beautiful in their own way, both searching for food and no doubt being divided by Tweeter (That's social media for Birds!) due their differences!

There are many outlets out there that are getting into the psyche of wonderful humans by telling them that their differences are a negative rather than something to be championed. I quite often don't get off my arse and do something worthwhile due to fear of judgment and yet I know that I can and will make a difference to people's lives!

I could wait until the New Year and stay in my comfort zone or take the Robin and Blue Tits advice and just do it!!

After all that's why they are looking at me the way they are. Not because I'm different, which I am but because my difference makes me Unique! 


I hope YOU have the best day YOU can have!



Published 19/11/24

I'll let you decide whether it's the Take That one or the Guns N Roses one but whichever it is, Life itself is a game of Patience, not trying to control things or change outcomes but just letting them unfold as they are.

I digress slightly, however whilst out on a walk yesterday by the Humber Estuary I was overcome by a sense of just letting things be. Before I set off on my journey I was thinking of what I might see and whether I'd be able to get some good photo's of the wildlife (An example of wishing things to be rather than as they are).

As I set off and felt the cold air on my face and the tips of my fingers started to feel the pinch, I started to wonder at the majesty of nature. There was the light on the autumnal leaves and on the water inlets that were dotted with footprints of wading birds and ducks and geese. 

As I got further on my journey I came across a Bird Hide with 3 viewing points that gave different perspectives on the World around me. What struck me most as I sat there, apart from wondering who the heck comes all the way up here to write graffiti on the walls was how calming and peaceful it was (That may be stating the obvious) but I don't think I could have got stressed out even if I tried.

To top it off when I came out of the hide, the bird I was really hoping to see, The Short Eared Owl was sat about 50 feet away from me on a post, and it was as if it was saying, Go on then, seen as it's you, I'll let you take me picture. And do you know what? I did

Nature really is Good For the Soul!!

I hope YOU have the best day YOU can have!



Published 19/10/24

Do you ever call on your inner child and ask yourself Why?

Why did I say that?

Why did I drink so much last night? (I didn't drink anything but you get my drift!)

Why didn't I do that?

Why am I so forgetful?

All of the above have negative connotations attached.

Imagine then if you flipped it on it's head and asked yourself Why do I want to do this?  What are the benefits of doing this? 

The Inspirational speaker on business leadership Simon Sinek's in his book 'Start with Why'! asks these very questions or at least some that are of that Ilk?

Do you do something because everyone else is doing it or do you do it because of how it makes you feel?

I try to do things that benefit me but I quite often fall foul of not doing something because no-one else is doing it.

It's why I believe that we should all work towards doing

What is Good For The Soul!!


I hope YOU have the best day YOU can have!



No One ever said it was gonna be easy!
Published 13/07/2024

Doing the things that are Good for your Soul means doing them even when you don't feel like it, and that could be for any number of reasons. 

The reason I say this is because we can sometimes take our eye off the ball, focus too much on the end game we are chasing and forget about enjoying the process. 

I have recently started a new job after a period out of work and there were times when doing the things that I enjoy doing fell by the way side as I slept for longer periods, spent time procrastinating and felt down. 

Now these are the times when we need to do the things that nourish us, not just mentally but physically also. You will quite often hear people say when training for a marathon say,  that getting to the finish line is the easy part, It's getting to the start line that proves difficult, as we need the motivation to get our running shoes on and get started! 

The question we can ask ourselves is what is the impact of not doing the task and what will the benefits be once we get started? 

So I'd put my running gear out last night , set my alarm for 5am with the intention of doing a 5k knowing it would make me feel good during and afterwards.

Did I do it? Well yes actually I did and I feel better for it. I could feel my mood improve with each stride and with every new song that came through my headphones, and when I got back I was asking myself why when I know it's good for me do I not always do it? Well the answer is in the Title because No one ever said it was gonna be easy, but that's the point, Nothing worth doing is ever easy, In fact in a lot of cases it's blooming hard, I mean why wake up at 5am and go for a run in the rain when you could go back to sleep under a nice warm duvet? 

Because in order to feel good we have to put effort in that is ultimately.......


I hope YOU have the best day YOU can have!


Keep on Keeping on!
Published 09//05/2024

The marvellous thing about nature is that it keeps going and adapts to it's surroundings no matter what happens. 

This is something we humans could do to take note of when it comes to difficult times. 

Not been the best few weeks for me and as I sometimes have a tendency to do I start feeling sorry for myself and this means my self care can take a hit!

If this sounds like you then you are not alone!

The reason I mention nature and have shown this picture of a Barn Owl is that they can't hunt when it's wet as their feathers are not waterproof so they will need to make the most of the dry spells to stock up.

I'm not suggesting you stock up on the things that are good for your wellbeing to compensate for the bad days but more that you do the things that help your wellbeing, even on the bad days and probably more importantly on the good days as well. Taking your eye off the things that are Good for your soul when you feel well is not a good idea. 

Tell yourself the reason you are doing the things that help your mental health and enjoy the benefits along the way.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening and the rest of the week.



I don't wanna talk about it! Well, actually I do!
Published 13/04/2024

This is a very short blog today as I have posted some content to my Social media feeds on Instagram, Facebook and Twiiter, or X or whatever they call it these days for you to watch. You can view the posts by clicking on the Social media icons at the bottom of the page.

All I will say is that the important point to take forward from today is to make sure you talk about your feelings and emotions. It's a sign of strength and not to care about what anyone else thinks! 

The Robin in the picture opposite is Very happy to talk about it and doesn't care what Blur think who can clearly be seen in the background!!

I hope YOU have the best day YOU can have! 😎😎



Published 23/03/2024

I often see and hear things on social media and the media in general that disparage others based on any number of things, but the one constant is usually other peoples opinions and the need for someone to always be right, without realising that an opinion is something that is not usually based in fact! 

Now the contents of this particular blog may seem to fly in the face of talking about things that are Good for the Soul, but let me explain. 

Whenever you hear or read something about someone or something, what is it that impacts your sense of wellbeing so much that you feel the need to have an opinion?

Does the subject matter directly impact your day to day living?

Does having an opinion about it make you feel good or make you feel tense and uptight and pray on your mind?

Who stands to gain from said opinion and is it a true reflection of what actually happened and have you been given the full story?

I feel the above questions are important to ask yourself as getting wound up by something that has little or no basis in fact is just not good for you, yet I constantly see people losing their shit over any given subject and I wonder how many of these people actually have a good sense of wellbeing?

It's one thing to care and stand up against those things that directly impact you and your loved ones but next time you find yourself getting wound up by something that is designed to get a reaction from you, stop and take a deep breath and ask yourself, 'Is this really worth my Peace of Mind?'

I by no means get this right every time but I am getting much better at allowing things to go because my wellbeing is more important than some opinion that is designed to get people's backs up and serve a minority of people!

By all means If you want to get wound up then go for it, but at least take a moments pause to question the benefits to you of doing this. This is where having Empathy and Compassion comes in. Applying these emotions to any situation will give you a much better sense of wellbeing. 

Remember You only have control over your thoughts and your actions. Make sure those things are Good for your Soul!

I hope YOU have the best day YOU can have!


Do Anything You Wanna Do!
Published 13/03/2024

Don't need no politician, tell me things I shouldn't be
Neither no optician, tell me what I ought to see
No one tells you nothing
Even when you know they know
But they tell you what you should do
They don't like to see you grow!

Music and especially lyrics have the power to inspire you to get off your arse and do something that can change yours and other peoples worlds.

As someone with anxiety, that can be easier said than done but the feeling you get when you do decide to take action for the better is a game changer!

The most empowering thing is that the decision to change is in your control and once you realise that the only thing stopping you is fear and more than likely fear of failure and perfectionism, then you can Do Anything You Wanna Do'.

All of these things are natural reactions to the desire to change and it makes complete sense when it's easier to stay where you feel comfortable than to embark on a new journey, one that you were destined to do.

It goes without saying that you may fail (several times), but failure is a big part of success and If you don't try you'll never know.

I now work in Health and Wellbeing, something I am passionate about and that came after many years doing jobs that I could do but that didn't really challenge me or ignite my passion. Jobs that gave me free weekends and allowed me to live for Beer O'clock on a Friday but eventually took their toll on my mental health.

So have a think about where your passion lies, don't think about the money, just think about what you'd love to do and then take small steps each day towards that goal.

To me a successful life is being happy in what you do and as the saying goes, ' Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day again in your life'.

I hope YOU have the best day YOU can have!


The Drugs Don't Work!
Published 03/03/2024

They just make things worse!

And if there is one drug that can compound one's misery in the search for happiness and a sense of wellbeing then alcohol wins it every time. Now I don't want to go on a rant about the world's most socially acceptable drug but it's a depressant and if you find yourself struggling with your mental health, then steering clear of it is a good idea!

I have spent the last 8 years on and off alcohol as a way of looking to improve my mental health and sometimes I've done really well and other times not so well when it came to steering clear of it. Get togethers with family and friends were usually a trigger for me to think sod it, I'll have a drink but even if I only had a couple then the next day would be spent feeling a tad rough and as if the day was wasted.

Don't get me wrong I've had some right laughs when out on the pop with my mates and I'm not here to take the moral high ground, but what I will say is that I have felt massive benefits from not drinking more than I have when drinking this legal poison!!

I sleep better, I eat healthier, and I have more energy to name but a few. The Drug's Don't Work and I am coming to the realisation that there are more natural ways to get high and feel good such as walking in nature and listening to Music. 

I'm A Lucky Man!

I hope YOU have the best day YOU can have!


Nothing Compares to YOU!
Published 20/02/2024

A beautiful song that puts an obvious yet often missed statement into perspective!

For all the social media posts that see us comparing ourselves to others, comparing our life story with someone else's highlights reel and messing with our heads so much that we forget who we actually are and what we love to do, You can only be YOU! Sure you can improve who you are and make life style changes if you want but there is only 1 of YOU!

Just to give that statement some context not only can YOU only be YOU but the chances of YOU having ever been born are something like 1 in 400 Trillion!! 

YOU are unique, YOU are a marvellous creation and YOU are YOU. So get your glad rags and celebrate that fact!

Because as Sinead O'connor so beautifully sang:

Nothing Compares To YOU!

I wish YOU the best day YOU can have!


Too Much Too Young?
Published 14/02/2024

Despite the Title, Can we ever really do Too Much Too Young?

I found this inspirational story in a booked called the 'Art of Being Brilliant by Andy Cope and Andy Whittaker, and I highly recommend it to anyone. 

If you find yourself stuck in a rut and want to feel more positive on a daily basis then you could do no worse than this book. In fact this is almost going to be my go to bible from now on.

A lot of self help and self development resources out there can lead people to think they have to change this, that or the other about themselves and then you end up on a rather sticky wicket! I should know as I have been doing a lot of that these last 8 years and at times it has impacted me massively.

The good news is that you don't need to change YOU. You just need to start reframing the way you see the world and that will have a massive impact on your life!

I wish YOU the best day YOU can have!


Enjoy Yourself, It's later than you think!
Published 10/02/2024

If you hadn't already realised, most of my blog titles are taken from music classics!

Why is it that so much of our enjoyment of the present moment is taken away by worries about what may happen and what has already gone?

The mind is a powerful thing and If we feed it the right diet of information then we can only prosper. 

Think about it for a second. If you have the news on a 24 hour cycle with it's doom and gloom and death and suffering then it is not surprising you would believe the world is a bad place and is only getting worse.

What if you decided to look for good news stories, find something positive in each and every day and practice gratitude? I can bet your mood would improve and you would feel more positive about the world you live in!

The beauty of this concept is that you have complete and utter control over it. YOU can choose to pick up the remote and put on the News or YOU can choose to put on your shoes and go for a walk in nature. YOU can choose to pick up your phone and scroll through endless posts about how the world is a dangerous place and how there is nothing good happening or YOU could choose to search out positive news stories on the internet or look for social media accounts that are filled with possibility and all the good that people are doing out there in the world!

I have no doubt that no one wants to be whingeing and moaning all the time even those people known commonly as Mood Hoovers but there are so many people out there who just constantly focus on the negative, who allow a bad moment to define their whole day and never change their outlook from one day to the next.

If you really want to make the most out of each and every day then you could do a lot worse than put on some uplifting music, listening to an uplifting podcast or read an inspiring book about how someone overcame adversity. 

Each day is made up of 24 little hours. How YOU choose to spend them really is up to YOU! 

But as the song goes 'Enjoy yourself it's later than You Think!


Laughter is the Best Medicine!
Published 03/02/2024

I have a friend who said he always begins and ends the day with comedy! It gives you a positive start and positive end to the day. 

I've always loved the lighter side of life and at times when I've felt down, it is one of my go to's in order to feel better. Music and Nature being the others. 

I remember Billy Connolly saying that 'Life is better with it's pants down' and I have to agree. Laughing releases feel good endorphins and In a world that reports doom and gloom it's good to be able to switch off and unwind with a good laugh!

So with that in mind here's a link to someone who I had the pleasure of going to see last weekend and I haven't cried with laughter so much in ages.

I can't share his new stuff as no filming wasn't allowed (Quite right too. We should all learn to live in the moment!)

but this is one my favourite routines of his!

Remember to have a bit laughter is each and every day!







If you can't be with what you're told you want, Love what you're already with!
Published 25/01/2024

Not the longest blog post you'll read today or indeed this year but why use 100 words when only a few will do.

So, Here goes!

Be Grateful!

There will always be something that you can be grateful for.  It could be a moment from the present day, a place you have visited, a person you have met, something that you have.

We live in a world that tells us we want more and need more but that just creates overwhelm and I now find myself needing less and appreciating what I have.

I have also found that needing and wanting less gives me a more positive mindset and allows to me to focus on the things that really matter such as spending time with friends and family, spending time in nature and listening to Music!



I would walk 500 miles (Well maybe just under 24!)
Published 11/01/2024

Not sure my cover version of The Proclaimers classic will get much airplay but probably couldn't walk 500 miles in 12 hours anyway!

On Tuesday just gone, the 09/01/2024 I undertook a challenge to walk for 12 hours with no mileage limit/ restriction and I had to leave my front door and return to my front door when the 12 hours was up, which I did with some aplomb!

What's so special about walking for 12 hours I hear you say? Well if you head over to 12hourwalk.com you'll find out. 

Only kidding! There was a catch and something that I would hazard a guess that most of modern society can't do without. That's right a mobile Phone!! 

What? I have to walk for 12 hours and have no phone and may have to look further than the ground in front of my feet? Well not quite but you do need to ensure your phone is switched to Airplane mode or at the very least Do not Disturb, you don't use it for checking social media, the internet or checking your texts or what's app!

The 12 hour walk is the brainchild of Colin O'Brady an American endurance athlete who wants people to take on the challenge as a way of eliminating limiting beliefs and shifting to a possible mindset where you can achieve anything you set your mind to. 

The reason for not using your phone is that by taking the walk it is just you and your thoughts and it gives you time to really contemplate what you want to achieve in life and dig deep into your mental resources and not be distracted by that rectangle in your pocket.

I chose to take on the challenge as one of my goals for this year, apart from setting up this blog and promoting positivity is to increase my mental strength something which has been quite weak as I have struggled with anxiety (that doesn't mean struggling with anxious thoughts is weak) and I need to face those anxious thoughts head on and those thoughts which have held me back for too long.

What I discovered was how much I lived in the present moment and how not having the constant distraction of text messages coming through or the temptation of scrolling through social media put me in such a positive frame of mind. Being alone with my thoughts is something I am getting better at as I practice mindfulness daily but only for about 20 minutes each day, this was just me and my thoughts for a whole 12 hours!!

I finished the walk in a great place if a little sore around my joints and was glad I had done it. It made me realise how much impact aimlessly picking up my phone was having on my mental health and how much time I waste idly scrolling when there is so many better things I could be doing with my time.

I highly recommend that you undertake the challenge. It's completely free and will change the way you think about what you are capable of and that being alone with your thoughts is empowering!




Life's What you make it!
Published 06/01/2024

Life's what you make it, as Talk Talk sang back in 1986 is as true today as it was back then!

I was just starting Comprehensive School (I know, I know, I am knocking on a bit!) and if anyone asked me what I wanted to be, the answer was always To be Happy. I didn't have any grand ambitions to be a rocket scientist or the next Pele, as much as would have loved to have played football for a living! No I just wanted to be that thing that so many of us are searching for.

Well here's the thing. Happiness is not a destination that you arrive at when you get a promotion at work, go on holiday or buy that new car!  How many people do you know, you may even be one of those people that says:

I'll be happy when or When asked at work how they are doing, The reply is always 'I'll be better at 5 O'clock or when It's the weekend.'

I understand those sentiments as I was that person and probably had quite a negative outlook on life, mainly because I wasn't happy in my job and was living for beer o'clock or Friday at Five!   

I have though come to realise through a lot of soul searching and personal development over the last 7 years that it's about 'the process', sitting down and working out what my true passions are and what is what I really want to do. 

Sure I have been held back by fear and doubt about breaking loose and going for it, worried whether my blog and website will be good enough, What others will think of it and me but eventually I have realised as I said on my previous blog post that other people's opinions are outside of my control and I am the only person who can control the actions that I take on a daily basis.

So what is the secret to 'being happy' I hear you ask? Well the truth is there isn't one and that may disappoint a lot of people searching for the secret, but all I  can say is that happiness is a choice and that's all it is! It's about being grateful for all you have, using disappointments as opportunities to learn and grow and finding something positive in each and every day. 

And finally take some time to yourself and take stock of what it is you really want out of life and where your true passions lie. You will have things happen that bring sadness and that is part of this wonderful thing called Life but going back to the title, Life really is 'What you make it!'.

Until next time I hope YOU have the best week YOU can have



Don't Worry 
Published 01/01/24

Good Morning and welcome to 2024! Where 2023 went I have no idea.

Bobby McFerrin sang:

'Now listen to what I said, in your life expect some trouble, but when you worry you make it double!' 

Does that a ring a bell to anyone? Well if it does you are certainly not alone!

As someone who has struggled with anxiety down the years I can concur. 

The best part about this is that once you realise that you only have certain things within your control then you reclaim the power back that your anxiety has over you and can live a more fulfilling life. Does this mean that you will never worry or that it shows that you don't care? Of course not. People are often described as Stoic if they go through life appearing to be blase but nothing could be further from the truth. Stoic's knew that there was only certain things within our control and that trying to control the way things external to ourselves work out is a pointless waste of our energy.

It has taken me a number of years to realise this but now that I do, I can feel those pangs of anxiety getting less and less and that is a fantastic feeling to have.

I hope that YOU have the best day that YOU can have and I wish you a Happy and Healthy 2024!



What's Good for the mind is Good for the Soul!
Published 30/12/23

Welcome to my blog. I thought it was time to share how reframing my mindset around Anxiety and my general Health and Wellbeing has helped me to develop a more positive outlook on life.

If you're wondering where Good4rtSoul comes from, I'm a proud Yorkshireman and we pronounce things a bit differently up here so whilst the things you will see are Good for the Soul, to me they are Good 4rt Soul! (You can do your own research into the Yorkshire dialect if you wish).

Anyway I digress. I have struggled with Anxiety for the best part of 25 years and for the last 7 years I have been on a journey of self discovery, slowly realising that the way I was living my life and the things I was doing were having a major impact on the way I was feeling, from consuming the worlds most socially acceptable drug as a coping mechanism for my anxiety on a regular basis, to trying to control the things that I had no control over.

The things I share may not change your life but I hope that you can see in some of my musings that it is possible to change the way you view the world into a more positive one and that more Importantly the power to change, lies within!



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